High-Level Green Talk on 16 April 2021

The High-Level Green Talk is embedded in the series of the Green Talks organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council and will take place on 16 April 2021. The event will be the culmination of this roadshow as the wrap up of the initiative. It will consist of a roundtable discussion between high-level representatives from the EU and AU Commissions, ministerial level representatives from Africa and the EU Member States, as well as EU and African Business representatives and CEOs.

In addition to this High-Level Green Talk, a virtual digital marketplace on green energy will be organised on 22 and 23 April 2021 in the margins of the Portuguese Green Forum. This digital marketplace will create a venue for African and European companies, institutions and business organisations involved and/or interested in green energy to meet, network exchange and share ideas, technology and encourage the building of potential partnership and match-making deals in the green energy sector.

The marketplace will bring together participants and exhibitors from the following categories:

  • European and African development institutional actors (e.g. EIB, AfDB, developments agencies and other development banks) involved in green energy projects in Africa
  • Commercial financial institutions interested to support / invest in sustainable energy  projects in Africa;
  • African and EU companies, associations or consortias showcasing specific sustainable energy projects and/or the application of green technologies in their processes or looking to secure financing, technology transfer or expertise in sustainable energy;
  • Private sector organisations (e.g. BusinessEurope, African Business Council…), showcasing green energy projects, new technology and initiatives;
  • EU and Member States projects (e.g. GetInvest, ElectriFI, blending and Guarantees under EFSD);
  • African Initiatives involved in sustainable energy projects (e.g. Africa Renewable Energy Initiative, RCREEE, ECREEE)
  • Consulting firms (lawyers, consultancies, etc.), with specific expertise on sustainable energy and the energy transition;

All participants to the High-Level Green Talk will be automatically invited also to the marketplace.

The virtual marketplace will be managed by Downtown Europe and powered by Swapcard, an engagement and matchmaking platform for events. Registered participants, exhibitors, service providers, etc. operating in the area of ‘green energy’ sector or related sector will be free to enter the platform and connect through different tools, i.e. virtual booths, B2B, B2G, G2G platforms.

The marketplace will provide search functions allowing participants to navigate the platform looking for information, partners, etc. at will. Participants will be able to register through the platform, make engagements, matching, etc. It will also offer an in-built messaging tool, which will allow participants to network, exchange information and set up meetings and events.

In order to help participants fully take advantage and navigate the platform seamlessly, an online Helpdesk will be set up, with real time support.

General guidelines for participants and exhibitors including self-help videos will be made available, together with hands-on training sessions for Business Organisations and sponsors. 

The marketplace will be easily accessible on the web or via a custom-made app designed for smartphones and laptops and designed to facilitate access even for participants with low-bandwidth capacity.

Participants will have access to the following online tools, which will be hosted on the marketplace: 

  • Virtual booths (up to 100 exhibitors)

The virtual booth will be a space within the larger virtual marketplace.  The aim is to share information and sparking interest on green energy projects, initiatives, technology and policies, etc.  A variety of assets can be displayed. These include static text, logos, banners, video and even Chabot. The virtual booth will be based on ‘Swapcard’ model. The attendee will be able to engage directly with the exhibitor. Conversations can be instant, a contact form or simply be a link.  It will be possible via the virtual booth for exhibitors will host live discussions or demos.

Below are some of the functionalities which will be offered, each exhibitor will be able to intuitively construct their own booth:

  • Test booths and live booths
  • Search functions to locate booths
  • Business intelligence tools
  • Exhibitors will be able to place their company/organisation logos on booths; provide their own booth pictures; and easily upload videos, photos & documents
  • In-booth chat and video-chat function will be available

Guidelines and step-by-step tutorial videos will be provided to potential exhibitors as well as real-time support for the preparation of the marketplace booths. A number of online training meeting will be organised with the sponsors and groups of exhibitors to assist them with the preparation of their online material.

  • B2B / B2G / G2G

All participants who are interested in holding bilateral or multigroup meetings (for up to ten participants), will be able to do so, by using a booking function for meeting rooms with face-to-face virtual interaction. Swapcard uses AI to boost matchmaking, connecting users with the most relevant people based on their profiles, and create custom event journeys. Through the initial registration process, a virtual marketplace database will be created, whereby participants will be able to search for the following:

  • Search for contacts by categories i.e. sectors, country, industry etc.
  • Search function with wide search algorithm allowing for search of companies and individuals, country/sub region, categories, subjects, interests and other relevant fields and matchmaking investor and promotors

Through this networking platform those participating will be able to meet, pitch projects and ideas, search for technical partners and funding partners, build linkages with development partners and financing institutions. The platform will be built in such a way as to allow for flexibility to adapt to the needs of the participants.

  • Side meetings, conferences and workshops

Participating European and African private sector will be able to set-up side meetings, conferences, and workshops on 22 April 2021.

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