Asoko & TDB launch DealRoom

New DealRoom Launch

The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) and Asoko Insight are pleased to announce the launch of the TDB Renewable Energy DealRoom, to accelerate the financing of renewable energy projects in the region served by TDB. 

Building on Asoko’s extensive database of African private sector players and the power of its Digital Engagement Platform, the TDB Renewable Energy DealRoom will enable TDB to build an actionable pipeline of viable private sector projects in the renewable energy space and ultimately, accelerate deal origination in the sector.

This initiative is supported by the USD 415 million World Bank Regional Infrastructure Finance Facility (RIFF) signed with TDB in 2020 – the first of its kind to be extended to a regional development bank by the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA). Through this facility, TDB will finance long-term infrastructure projects, particularly in renewable energy, including those of MSMEs in need of debt financing in the off-grid energy sector.

The impact sought via TDB’s renewable energy initiatives includes: enhanced security of energy supply and access to clean electricity and job creation, especially in underserved communities; alleviation of energy bills; and, reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – in line with the Paris Agreement, SDGs and Agenda 2063.

Our DealRooms have put a larger number of robust companies on the radar of seasoned investors at a lower cost and time spent for both parties than would have been possible off-line. It’s a powerful tool.  

This particular DealRoom is open to companies based in the TDB Member States to finance renewable energy projects. Financing will be suitable for firms with a strong earnings profile given that the project finance loan would be structured to rely primarily on the project’s cash flows for repayment. Special focus will be placed on projects which can create jobs, increase cross-border trade and investment, and deploy new technologies. SMEs, which form the backbone of the region’s economies and have been particularly hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic are especially encouraged to apply To find out more about how Asoko’s Digital Engagement Platform can connect you to market opportunities and see the initiatives currently available, click below.

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