The Associations’ focus is on strengthening African DFIs to be strong, resilient, and sustainable and as an efficient collaborator with development partners and multilateral institutions in promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Climate Finance Action in Africa.

benefits to members


Opportunity to participate in the periodic meetings of heads of African DFIs, and with counterpart DFIs across the globe, including multilateral and development partners to dialogue, promote the exchange of ideas, benchmark, and share experiences concerning institution development, policy issues and projects development. These platforms provide good opportunity for networking and in building strategic alliances for enhanced socio-economic development activities in the continent.


Capacity-Building, Technical Assistance for professionals, and Institutions development. The Association’s intervention in providing specialized capacity-building and institutional development programs have been helpful in building capacities within the DFI community. These activities are provided at a subsidized cost to member institutions.


Benefit from the AADFI Advocacy and Knowledge products. Members have the opportunity to contribute to policy issues in development finance and sustainable development in Africa.


Information management. Access to information on development finance issues and development from the DFI community across the globe.


AADFI’s Prudential Standard, Guidelines, and Rating System (PSGRS). Benefit from the use of the PSGRS and peer review of DFIs using the instrument.

Our Members Locations

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