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FMBN Records N11.58bn Operational Surplus, Targets N500bn Capital

Sunday Ehigiator The Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN), has revealed that it recorded a total of N11.58 billion in operational surplus in 2024. This is as it said it aims to recapitalise with at least N500 billion, and expand its reach beyond state capitals to other commercially viable locations across various states in Nigeria in 2025. This […]

FMBN Records N11.58bn Operational Surplus, Targets N500bn Capital Read More »

Sustainability certified central and commercial banks as drivers of sustainable economies

Introduction: This being the speech by Arshad Rab, CEO, European Organisation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) and Chairman, International Council of Sustainability Standards, during the Executing Session for central banks and commercial banks implementing the EOSD’s Sustainability Standards and Certification Initiative (SSCI), on 22 January 2025. Thank you, Patricia, for organising this session and congratulations on

Sustainability certified central and commercial banks as drivers of sustainable economies Read More »

The driving role of public development banks

Africa’s public development banks are under-financed and they must be fully mobilised to meet the continent’s climate and economic challenges. Faced with unprecedented challenges—the disproportionate impact of climate change, the economic after-effects of the pandemic and the announced reduction in European development aid—the African continent must make the most of its resources and assets to build

The driving role of public development banks Read More »

How Blended Finance Can Enable Ethiopia To Regain Its Place As Africa’s Growth Engine

This op-ed was originally published on Capital Ethiopia and Addis Fortune. Ethiopia is an attractive destination for private capital due to its large population, abundant natural resources, and strategic location in East Africa. From 2004-2015, real economic growth in Ethiopia accelerated to 10.2% per annum, thanks in large part to a public investment-led growth model implemented since the

How Blended Finance Can Enable Ethiopia To Regain Its Place As Africa’s Growth Engine Read More »

Opinion: Three Africa-led blended finance models mobilizing billions for development

This op-ed was originally published on ImpactAlpha. Innovations are accelerating Africa’s economic transformation. After two decades of continued economic growth, lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recent global economic pressures have knocked the continent off track on almost all Sustainable Development Goal targets. Substantial resources – $1.3 trillion a year or 42% of Africa’s $3.1 trillion gross

Opinion: Three Africa-led blended finance models mobilizing billions for development Read More »

UDBL has been granted the Sustainability Certification for adapting the Sustainability Standards Version 2.0

The Uganda Development Bank (UDB) Ltd has been granted the Sustainability Certification for adapting the Sustainability Standards Version 2.0.  The Certification was conferred on the UDB at the Karlsruhe Sustainable Finance Award on November 22, 2024, held in Karlsruhe, Germany. The UDB successfully completed the Sustainability Standard Version 2.0 to merit the Award. The Uganda

UDBL has been granted the Sustainability Certification for adapting the Sustainability Standards Version 2.0 Read More »

Bank of Industry to Disburse N120 billion to 2 million MSMEs by December

The Bank of Industry (BOI), Nigeria’s foremost development finance institution, marked its 65th anniversary with the announcement of groundbreaking milestones, including mobilizing over $5 billion from international capital markets. This feat solidifies BOI’s role as a critical driver of industrialization, economic development, and MSME empowerment in Nigeria. BOI’s Commitment to Nigeria’s Economic Transformation Speaking at the anniversary media

Bank of Industry to Disburse N120 billion to 2 million MSMEs by December Read More »

Nigeria’s Bank of Industry under Olusi’s leadership: A year in review

As Nigeria grapples with economic challenges, institutions like the Bank of Industry (BOI) play a critical role in providing funding for the private sector and fostering development. Development finance institutions (DFIs) are tasked with bridging these gaps through direct loans, on-lending, equity investments, and other mechanisms that encourage investment. Over the past year, Dr Olasupo

Nigeria’s Bank of Industry under Olusi’s leadership: A year in review Read More »

Why Financial Institutions Should Look Beyond Return on Investments in Credit, Equity, or Joint Venture Opportunities

It is the desire of most investors to maximize return on investment especially at times when the dynamics in the business operating environment are changing at the tick of the chronometer per minute.  It is, however time for financial institutions to broaden their perspective and consider more than just profits, capital gains, and industry growth

Why Financial Institutions Should Look Beyond Return on Investments in Credit, Equity, or Joint Venture Opportunities Read More »

FAGACE : Les Performances d’une transformation réussie sous le leadership de Monsieur Ngueto Yambaye , Directeur Général du FAGACE

Dans un contexte de « polycrises », il est plus que jamais difficile d’œuvrer en faveur du développement et plus que jamais primordial pour nous de parvenir à affronter et gérer les menaces actuelles et futures de nos pays en général et sur l’environnement direct de notre Institution en particulier. Au plan interne, ces derniers

FAGACE : Les Performances d’une transformation réussie sous le leadership de Monsieur Ngueto Yambaye , Directeur Général du FAGACE Read More »

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