November 4 - 6, 2024

Hennessy Park Hotel, Ebene, Mauritius

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"Sustaining Development Finance in Africa: Perspectives into the future"

Hosted by

Development Bank of Mauritius

The Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) is pleased to announce the 2024 CEO Forum of African Development Finance Institutions, which will take place at the Hennessy Park Hotel, Ebene, Mauritius, from November 4-6, 2024. The forum theme is ‘‘Sustaining Development Finance in Africa: perspectives into the future”. The host institution is the Development Bank of Mauritius (DBM) Ltd.

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To be updated
Thabo Thamane

Thabo Thamane

Chairman AADFI

Admassu Tadesse

Admassu Tadesse

Group President & MD, TADB Tanzania

Jaywant Pandoo

Jaywant Pandoo

CEO, DBM Mauritius

Patricia Ojangole

Patricia Ojangole

1st Vice Chairperson AADFI
MD, UDBL , Uganda



CEO, DBSA South Africa

Dr. Olasupo Olusi

Dr. Olasupo Olusi

MD/CEO, BIO Nigeria

Dumisani Msibi

Dumisani Msibi

GMD, Fincorp Eswatini

Lilian Mbassy

Lilian Mbassy

MD, TDB Tanzania

Michael Mensah-Baah

Michael Mensah-Baah


Youssouf Fadiga

Youssouf Fadiga

DG, BNI Cote d’Ivoire

Abdelouahab Boushaba

Abdelouahab Boushaba

2nd Vice Chairperson AADFI, DMD TEF Morocco

Dr Rita Babihuga-Nsanze

Dr Rita Babihuga-Nsanze

Director & Head, Economics, Research and Strategy, AFC

Manuel Moses

Manuel Moses


Frank Nyabundege

Frank Nyabundege

MD, TADB Tanzania, AADFI Regional Rep. for East Africa

Georges Kubai

Georges Kubai

MD, AFC Kenya

Chinua Azubike

Chinua Azubike

CEO, InfraCredit Nigeria

HE, Amb. Kheswar Jankee

HE, Amb. Kheswar Jankee

President, WASME, Ambassardor Mauritius to Russian Federation



SG, FICS & Deputy Executive Director, Mobilisation, Partnership, and Communication of AFD

Harold Kaflego Mogale

Harold Kaflego Mogale

Climate Finance Soecialist, DBSA

Muhammad Zubair Mughal

Muhammad Zubair Mughal

MD, AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics, U.A.E

Desta Mebratu

Desta Mebratu

Professor, Engineering X Lead, Africa Roadmap, Center for Sustainability Transition, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Daniil Algulyan

Daniil Algulyan

Deputy Chairman, VEB.RF State Development Corporation, Russian Federation

Koffi Koumassi

Koffi Koumassi

Coordinator, African Adaption Initiative(AAI)

Harvesh Seegolam

Harvesh Seegolam

G.C.S.K, Governor of the Mauritius

Dr John  Steytler

Dr John Steytler

CEO, DBN Namibia

Dr Adel Bosch

Dr Adel Bosch

Senior Economist, DBSA

Mr. Denis Ochieng

Mr. Denis Ochieng

Director of Finance & Business Operation, UDBL

Dr. Michael Ma’hmoud

Dr. Michael Ma’hmoud

Economist & Development Management Expert

Ken Poonoosamy

Ken Poonoosamy

Chief Executive Officer, Economic Development Board

Sunil Benimadhu

Sunil Benimadhu

Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd

Dr Ric Amansure

Dr Ric Amansure

Senior Researcher, Centre for Sustainability Transition (CST), Stellenbosch University

Olympus Manthata

Olympus Manthata

Head Climate & Environmental Finance, DBSA/Coordinator of AADFI Climate Change Working Group

Zeph Nhleko

Zeph Nhleko

Chief Economists, Development Bank of Southern Africa

Kevin Ramkaloan

Kevin Ramkaloan

CEO, Business Mauritius


Day 1 – Monday, November 4, 2024
AADFI Board of Directors Meeting (closed session)
Special Interest Session:
Topic: The role of DFIs in developing Africa’s bankable infrastructure project pipelines
(The session will explore the role of DFIs in developing Africa’s bankable infrastructure project pipelines, and to propose practical solutions to the listed challenges to infrastructure development in the continent)

Day 2 – Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Sessions 1: Financing development projects in Africa: where are the opportunities?
(The session will discuss the growth sectors with potential for investment opportunities in the context of the SDGs and development agendas. What options are available to close the development gaps in Africa?)
Session 2: Enhancing resource mobilization for Development Projects
(Scaling up resources for development is urgently required in Africa given the huge financing gap estimated at $4trillion. What approach should African national DFIs adopt to crowd in funding? How can DFIs leverage domestic resources, remittances, bonds, blended finance, public and private funding etc. to finance development projects)
Session 3: Financing Energy Transition & Climate Resilient: How prepared are African DFIs?
(The session presents the outcome of the survey on readiness of African DFIs in financing green and climate smart projects, based on the recent study carried out by the Association. It will identify specific interventions and supports required to scale up African DFIs involvement in climate finance, and how to measure outcomes)
Dinner / Cultural Night

Day 3 – Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Panel Session 4: Development Finance in Africa: towards a paradigm shift
(Development finance is transforming. Traditional development finance in Africa has mainly focused on aid dependency, donor-driven agenda, and top-down approaches. However, these approaches have not delivered expected development outcomes and impact. The continent needs a paradigm shift in the funding model and instruments for development financing. The session will discuss innovative funding instruments available and how financing architecture could be made better and fit for purpose for development projects in Africa).
Panel Session 5: A conversation on the Finance in Common (FiCS) & 5th FiCS
Closing Ceremony



Hennessy Park Hotel

Venue of the Event

Voila Hotel

5mn drive from the venue

Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel

20mn drive from the venue

Le Suffren Hotel & Marina

20mn drive from the venue


Informations about the visa requirements, Click Here.



Event venue location info and gallery

Hennessy Park Hotel
Ebene, Mauritius

65, Ebene Cybercity


+225 27 225 279 40 / 233 89

06 BP 321, Abidjan 06

The 2024 CEO Forum of African DFIs on November 4-6, 2024, in Ebene, Mauritius,
on the theme "Sustaining Development Finance in Africa: Perspectives into the future”.

Return on AADFI Website

Communications in connection with the AADFI General Assembly should be sent to the following address:
The Secretary-General, AADFI
06 BP 321, Abidjan 06
Tel: (225) 2722527940
Email: /

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