AADFI holds its 2021 Annual General Assembly from June 29 to 30, 2021

The Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) will hold its 2021 Annual General Assembly from June 29 to 30, 2021.  The program will hold online as follows:

  1. AADFI-AfDB Annual Workshop;  Tuesday, June 29, 2021 — from 8:30 to 11:30 am GMT
  2. 47e Ordinary General Assembly; Wednesday, June 30, 2021 — from 8:00 to 10:00 am GMT

The Annual Workshop is a traditional event held jointly with the African Development Bank (AfDB). The theme of this year’s workshop is: “Achieving the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): what roles and opportunities for national DFIs?”. The webinar will be declared open with a Keynote Address by Mr. Solomon Quaynor, Vice-President, Private Sector, Infrastructure, and Industrialization, of the AfDB. Other key highlights of the webinar are a presentation on “AfCFTA: challenges and opportunities for DFIs”, by Dr. Obiora Madu, CEO of African Center for Supply Chain (ACSC), and a panel discussion on “Facilitating the AfCFTA: what roles for DFIs”.

The Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) Meeting provides the opportunity to review the activities of the Association and to discuss issues concerning DFIs’ participation in promoting socio-economic development on the continent.

Participants at the events are chief executive officers, and senior management/executives of African national DFIs, supervisory authorities including ministries of finance and central banks, representatives of international development finance institutions/agencies, and other key stakeholders.

For information on the AADFI, please visit www.adfi-ci.org.

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