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Press Release – African Development Bank trains experts from development finance institutions on climate finance action strategy and management

Abidjan, 7 June 2021 – The African Development Bank and the Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) jointly hosted a 3-day virtual workshop to train development finance experts in Africa on climate finance action strategy and management. The training aimed to equip participants, particularly those from the financial and private sectors, with knowledge on […]

Press Release – African Development Bank trains experts from development finance institutions on climate finance action strategy and management Lire la suite »

La BOI porte ses actifs à 1,8 trillion d'euros en 2020

The Bank of Industry has disclosed that despite the challenging year, group total assets grew from N1.04 trillion to N1.86tr between 2019 and 2020. At its 2020 Annual General Meeting, held virtually, Mr. Aliyu Abdulrahman Dikko, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, attributed the 79.1 percent increase largely to the successful debt syndications of

La BOI porte ses actifs à 1,8 trillion d'euros en 2020 Lire la suite »

BOI augmente ses actifs à N1.8tr en 2020

La Bank of Industry a révélé qu’en dépit d’une année difficile, les actifs totaux du groupe sont passés de 1,04 billion de nairas à 1,86tr de nairas entre 2019 et 2020. Lors de son assemblée générale annuelle de 2020, qui s’est tenue virtuellement, M. Aliyu Abdulrahman Dikko, président du conseil d’administration, a attribué l’augmentation de

BOI augmente ses actifs à N1.8tr en 2020 Lire la suite »


The ICR Facility is co-funded by the European Union (EU), the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the British Council. It is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), the British

ICR FACILITY Lire la suite »

Finance in Common (FiC) Spring Meeting held on 11 May 2021 on the theme: “Africa’s Green and Resilient Recovery: A Common Objective”

The Finance in Common (FiC) Spring Meeting dedicated to the African Public Development Banks (PDBs) was held on Tuesday, May 11, 2021. The meeting was organized under the leadership of the African Development Bank (AfDB), in collaboration with the Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) and the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) on the

Finance in Common (FiC) Spring Meeting held on 11 May 2021 on the theme: “Africa’s Green and Resilient Recovery: A Common Objective” Lire la suite »

Réunion de printemps du Sommet Finance en commun s’est tenu le 11 mai 2021 sur le thème: « La relance verte et résiliente de l’Afrique : un objectif commun »

Le mardi, 11 mai 2021, s’est tenue la Réunion de printemps du Sommet Finance en commun dédiée aux banques publiques de développement (BPD) africaines. Le programme a été organisé sous la direction de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), en collaboration avec l’Association des institutions africaines de financement du développement (AIAFD) et International Développement Finance

Réunion de printemps du Sommet Finance en commun s’est tenu le 11 mai 2021 sur le thème: « La relance verte et résiliente de l’Afrique : un objectif commun » Lire la suite »

African DFIs reiterates commitment to mainstream the PSGRS in their “DNA”

Abidjan, April 29, 2021 — The focal persons for the implementation of the AADFI Prudential Standards, Guidelines, and Rating System (PSGRS) for African DFIs reiterated their commitment to ensuring the mainstreaming of the PSGRS in their institution’s strategy. This was one of the major outcomes of the virtual technical session on the PSGRS implementation and

African DFIs reiterates commitment to mainstream the PSGRS in their “DNA” Lire la suite »


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