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L'AIAFD publie les résultats de la 12e revue par les pairs des IFD africaines

The Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) has released the report of the 12th Peer Review and Rating of African DFIs based on AADFI Prudential Standards, Guidelines, and Rating System (PSGRS). The AADFI PSGRS is an assessment tool for African DFIs, focusing on governance, operation, financial management, and development Impact. It aims to help the […]

L'AIAFD publie les résultats de la 12e revue par les pairs des IFD africaines Lire la suite »

Overview of Africa’s Financial Sector: Long-term finance and capital markets

Expanding on the general overview of the financial sector in Africa, this second article focuses on the development of the capital markets and the recent initiatives to attract long-term capital to the continent. Capital markets in Africa are still in their infancy and mirror the economic development of the continent. However, the evolution over the last decade prior

Overview of Africa’s Financial Sector: Long-term finance and capital markets Lire la suite »

La transition de l'Afrique vers le financement de l'énergie durable en monnaies locales : L'opportunité pour les ACE

L'évolution de l'Afrique vers le financement de l'énergie durable en monnaie locale : L'opportunité pour les ACE Le changement de politique de l'Afrique en faveur des accords d'achat d'électricité en monnaie locale est-il une opportunité pour les ACE de soutenir la durabilité à long terme du secteur de l'énergie ? Par Harald Hirschhofer, conseiller principal chez TCX, et Vivek Mittal, directeur général de l'Association pour le développement des infrastructures en Afrique.

La transition de l'Afrique vers le financement de l'énergie durable en monnaies locales : L'opportunité pour les ACE Lire la suite »

Public development banks driving gender equality: An overview of practices and measurement frameworks

This publication was jointly prepared by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The publication was led by Vanina Vincensini, UN Women with substantive contributions from Mar Merita Blat, Philippe Galland and Myriam Mesbah from AFD; and Vipul Bhagat, Anna Falth,

Public development banks driving gender equality: An overview of practices and measurement frameworks Lire la suite »

Mapping 500+ Development Banks: Qualification Criteria, Stylized Facts, and Development Trends

The present Second New Structural Economics (NSE) Development Financing Research Report was authored by a team of researchers from the NSE Development Financing research program and the Agence française de développement (AFD). The team is led by twoprincipal investigators—Jiajun XU, Executive Deputy Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University, and Régis

Mapping 500+ Development Banks: Qualification Criteria, Stylized Facts, and Development Trends Lire la suite »

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