
The PCP in Development Finance is designed to enhance knowledge and build core professional skills required in development finance institutions, and other organizations involved in delivering services towards achieving development agenda in Africa. The programme will provide broad understanding of the challenges, expectations and prospects in development financing, and upscale skills for successful delivery of innovative development finance services and solutions, mobilization of resources, modern approach to project management and lending among others.

The Intermediate Level of the PCP is a high-level training and a continuation from the Foundation Level of the course.  It is aimed at upscaling skills and competencies in DFI operation.

The programme targets professional with experience and exposure to development finance, and needs to be upgraded in skill to supervise the freshers as Team Lead or Head of desks or units. Focus is technical at higher level and general knowledge of issues in development institutions.

Learning Outcome

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate good understanding and knowledge in Project Preparation and implementation,
  • Good understanding of SDG projects and national development priorities,
  • Enhanced skill in project/SME lending, financing and structuring of finance for projects,
  • Improve skills in  risk-based project/credit assessment,
  • Scale-up leadership and people management skill.
  • Ability to nurture and Micro, Small and Medium businesses , and manage entrepreneurs.

The training module is structured as follows:

  • Current Trends in Development Banking and Finance Landscape in Africa
  • Introduction to Project Preparation and Implementation
  • Intro to Risk-based Project/Credit Assessment and Risk Management
  • Entrepreneurship Development and Managing Small Business
  • Project Funding Options for DFIs
  • Financial Modeling II
  • Issues in Credit-Project Appraisal
  • Intro to Monitoring & Evaluation – Measuring Development Impact
  • Loan/Credit Recovery
  • Corporate Governance and Leadership
  • Credit Scoring and Rating for SMEs
  • Case studies
  • End of program assessment

The faculty members are experts with hands-on experience in development banking and finance operations..

Programme Administration

a. The PCP in Development Finance will be administered by the AADFI Directorate. The faculty team is made of professionals with in-depth knowledge in development banking and finance operations.

b. AADFI training activities are governed by a set of rules to facilitate maximum learning and foster good relations among participants, instructors and Programme Directorate. Below are the relevant extracts of the rules for this workshop:

i. Nomination of a candidate is deemed to imply his/her readiness to comply with the advice of the instructors and the Programme Directorate.

ii. Participants are expected to attend all sessions, including group meetings, promptly and regularly.

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Public Cible
Officials/Participants who successfully completed the PCP in Development Finance- Foundation Level. Or those granted exemptions from foundation course.
Programme Fees

Institutions Membre AIAFD

 €655 par participant

Institutions Non Membre AIAFD
860 par participant

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