Mapping AADFI Member State of Readiness to Access Climate Finance
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) play a crucial role in addressing climate change. Following a workshop themed “A Practical Road Map…
Sustainability certified central and commercial banks as drivers of sustainable economies
Introduction: This being the speech by Arshad Rab, CEO, European Organisation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) and Chairman, International Council of…
The driving role of public development banks
Africa’s public development banks are under-financed and they must be fully mobilised to meet the continent’s climate and economic challenges. Faced with…
La BNI, plus de 65 ans au service du développement de la Côte d'Ivoire
Founded in 1959 under the name Caisse Autonome d’Amortissement (CAA), the Banque Nationale d’Investissement (BNI) has always had the noble mission of…
La Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole, première entité accréditée au Mali au Fonds Vert pour le Climat
At the session of its Board of Directors held on October 21, 2024 in Songdo, South Korea, the Banque Nationale…
14th Peer Review and Rating of African DFIs – recording strong improvement in governance, operation, financial management, and development impact
The Association of African Development Finance Institutions (AADFI) has released the 14th Peer Review and Rating of African DFIs report based on…
State of Blended Finance 2024:Climate Edition
State_of_Blended_Finance_2024_Climate_Edition_Draft_5Download With its continued focus on climate, this year’s report arrives at a pivotal moment in global efforts to combat climate…
How Blended Finance Can Enable Ethiopia To Regain Its Place As Africa’s Growth Engine
This op-ed was originally published on Capital Ethiopia and Addis Fortune. Ethiopia is an attractive destination for private capital due to its large population,…
Opinion: Three Africa-led blended finance models mobilizing billions for development
This op-ed was originally published on ImpactAlpha. Innovations are accelerating Africa’s economic transformation. After two decades of continued economic growth, lingering impacts of…