TCX Impact Report 2021

TCX protects the most vulnerable from financial volatility emanating from #currencyrisk. But how do we report on #developmentimpact? Read about it in the 2021 Impact Report, out today! 👇

Some highlights:
✔In 2021, we absorbed currency risk for USD 1.4 billion of #sustainablefinance loans into EM and frontier countries
✔The majority of these loans support #MSMEs and 14% went to the non-financial sector
✔De-risked investment flows to Sub-Saharan #Africa more than doubled
✔TCX uses the Joint Impact Model to measure the (indirect) anticipated impact of loans that it hedged
✔We transferred over USD 500mn of currency exposure to investors in support of #marketdevelopment by e.g. hedging #localcurrencybonds issued by #DFIs
✔TCX continued to raise awareness of the importance of #localcurrency finance through #advocacy work

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